Yesterday we got a present for my Daughter's friend for her birthday. She picked 2 great big velvet coloring posters. In fact, she got her this exact same one shown at YouColorPosters (cute little puppy dogs) and one that has a big heart with the word LOVE on it.
We got home and realized that we didn't have any gift bags big enough for the big posters.... And all the wrapping materials are up in the attic. (I don't go into the attic unless I absolutely have to, and I can't find anything up there when I do go...) And no time to go back to the store. HMPH.
So, being crafty, I measured out some fabric I had from some other project and put together a cute little gift bag.
There it is, leaned up on my couch to snap a quick pic.
It has 2 handles and a pin closure, with a ribbon bow on the front. I thought about doing a drawstring, but didn't feel like fiddling with it, so I passed on the idea. (sorry the photo is a little blurry...)
As my daughter headed off to school this morning she just about forgot the present. I put it in a blue plastic recycle bag so it wouldn't get wet or dirty since she had to take it to school with her (party is right after school). Thankfully I reminded her just as she was walking out the door.
So, away went the little purple gift bag, on it's first big adventure!
I'll find out in an hour or so how it went. I think the bag worked pretty well, especially for a kiddo's present, and it can be used for other things now, too. A Useful Bag for Putting Things In (as Pooh Bear might say) And it didn't take me long to put it together!
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